Wednesday, March 9, 2016


- Find the Garage Key / Finding the Warehouse Key (Quest Masuk CarPark)
Syarat: LV. 86
Didapat dari: Cleaner [TH]
* Dapatkan Warehouse Key dari Rabies Vicious / Loose Halogen
* Berikan kunci pada Cleaner
Reward: Dapat memasuki Carpark [CP1 & CP2], Soul Recall Rosary [lvl:80],
Jade Ring [lvl:80]
Catatan: Untuk membuka quest ini, clik opsi chat "Ask what it is / Ask whether everything is alright" lalu clik Accept request. Di server RIP tidak ada CarPark, namun quest ini tetap bisa dijalankan dan mendapatkan rewardnya.

- Find Emergent Medicine / Searching for the First Aid Kit
Syarat: LV. 88
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Pergi ke Leonine B1 pada [0,19]
* Dapatkan 10 Drugs Package / Medicine Kit dari Head Nurse
* Berikan Drugs Package / Medicine Kit pada Nurse Leonine Campus 1F [6,3]
Reward : Gold 50000, Fine Burr, Luxury Protection Potion

- Retrieve the Books 3 / The Stolen Book 3
Syarat: LV. 88, completed "Retrieve the Books 2 / The Stolen Book 2"
Didapat dari: Businessman / Master Zheng
* Dapatkan buku (Special Influence Games Programming) dari Jack Lumber / Hodel
* Berikan buku pada Businessman / Master Zheng
Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants [C][+3] (lvl 83,84)
Catatan: Untuk membuka quest ini, clik opsi chat "Ask about what happened"
lalu Accept Request.

- Retrieve the Books 4 / The Stolen Book 4
Syarat: LV. 92, completed "Retrieve the Books 3 / The Stolen Book 3"
Didapat dari: Businessman / Master Zheng
* Dapatkan buku (Programming RPG for DirectX) dari Blue Boozo / Freezing Clown
* Berikan buku pada Businessman / Master Zheng
Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants {B}[+2] (lvl 90-91)
Catatan: Untuk membuka quest ini, clik opsi chat "Ask about what happened"
lalu Accept Request.

- Returning the Trash
Syarat: LV. 95
Didapat dari: Cleaner [TH]
* Dapatkan Trash dari Moai en Vert / Wrestler
* Bicara dengan Cleaner
Reward: LoHan Rosary [Lvl:80], Vanish Ring [Lvl:80]

- Confiscating the Golf Clubs
Syarat: LV. 101, Selesaikan quest "Returning the Trash"
Didapat dari: Cleaner [TH]
* Kumpulkan 20 Club dari Sporty Hottie / Golf Bomber
* Bicara dengan Cleaner
Reward: Soul Rosary [lvl:80][+2], Silver Ring [lvl:80]

- Retrieve the Books 5 / The Stolen Book 5
Syarat: Lvl 106, Selesaikan quest "Retrieve the Books 4 / The Stolen Book 4"
Didapat dari: Businessman / Master Zheng
* Dapatkan buku (Tricks of the Window Game Programming) dari Golf Hottie / Golf Player
* Bicara dengan Businessman / Master Zheng
Reward: Exp 10000, 11 Spiritual Orb / Spheres

- Search for the Criminal
Syarat: LV. 110
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Dapatkan Ancient Books dari Fisherman
* Dapatkan Old Books dari Gas Technician
* Dapatkan Encyclopedia dari Storage Insider / Storage Guard
* Bicara pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [105,91]
Reward: Fine Burr, Luxury Protection Potion

- Retrieve Car Key / Finding the Truck's Key
Syarat: LV. 112
Didapat dari: Truck Driver [WP]
* Dapatkan kunci dari Rabies Vicious / Loose Haloogen
* Bicara dengan Truck Driver
Reward: Exp 13000

- Go Get Gasoline / Recycling the Gasoline
Syarat: LV. 112, Selesaikan quest "Retrieve Car Key / Finding the Truck's Key"
Didapat dari: Truck Driver [WP]
* Dapatkan Oil Bottle dari Fisherman
* Bicara dengan Truck Driver
Reward: Exp 32000

- Fix the Truck / Repairing the Truck
Syarat: LV. 112, Selesaikan quest "Go Get Gasoline / Recycling the Gasoline"
Didapat dari: Truck Driver [WP]
* Pergi ke Wharf Area No.1 [46,112]
* Pergi ke [43,107]
* Pergi ke [44,120]
* Bicara pada Truck Driver
Reward: Exp 37000

- See the Senior / Visit the Old Man
Syarat: LV. 112, Selesaikan quest "Fix the Truck / Repairing the Truck"
Didapat dari: Truck Driver [WP]
* Bicara pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk
Reward: Skill Points 3

- Water Quality Check
Syarat: LV. 112, Selesaikan quest "See the Senior / Visit the Old Man"
Didapat dari: Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Temukan Bottle pada [103,74]
* Bicara pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk
Reward: Exp 36000, Darkish Necklace [Lv:120][+2]

- Repairing the Generator
Syarat: LV. 112, Selesaikan quest "Water Quality Check"
Didapat dari: Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.2 [56,85]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.2 [49,86]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.2 [65,86]
* Pergi ke [103,74]
* Bicara pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk
Reward: Exp 40000, Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+2]

- Request of the Guard / The Guard's Request
Syarat: LV. 115
From: Saint Corp. Private Guard [WP]
* Dapatkan 8 Baton dari Sacred Gate Defenders [SG Hole]
* Bicara pada Saint Corp. Private Guard [WP]
Reward: 1 Set B Drifter ; Mercenary ; Assassin ; Ritual [+4] (Lvl 111-114)

- Resident's Request
Syarat: LV. 116, Selesaikan quest "Confiscating the Golf Clubs"
Didapat dari: Cleaner [TH]
* Bunuh 20 Sir Neckless / Hunk Baldies
Reward: 12 Spiritual Orb / Spheres, Exp 20000

- Look into Smugging of Goods / Confiscation of Smuggled Goods
Syarat: LV. 117
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.4 [71,20]
* Bicara pada Police
Reward: Gold 25000

- Arrest the smugglers / Catching Smugglers
Syarat: LV. 117, Selesaikan quest "Look into Smugging of Goods / Confiscation of Smuggled Goods"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Bunuh 1 Tatooed Neckless / Violent Baldies
Reward: Gold 35000

- Look into Buildings / Investigating the Building
Syarat: lvl 117, Selesaikan quest "Arrest the smugglers / Catching Smugglers"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Pergi ke [88,26]
* Pergi ke [90,40]
* Kembali ke Police
Reward: Lohan Rosary [Lvl:120]

- Get into Green Base / Investigate the Green's Secret Headquarters (Quest Masuk HO_1F)
Syarat: LV. 117, Selesaikan quest "Look into Buildings / Investigating the Building"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Dapatkan Identification Program dari Police [TH]
* Aktifkan Authorization / Authentication Terminal didepan pintu masuk HangOut [WP]
Reward: Dapat memasuki HO_1F

- Reaching Level 120 / To Achieve Mission Level 120
Syarat: LV. 119
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Capai level 120
* Bunuh 5 Tatooed Neckless / Violent Baldies dan 1 Armed Burgler / Bandit [WP]
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Exp 30000

- Search Green Base / The "Green" Secret Foothold (Quest Masuk HO_2F)
Syarat: LV. 120
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Dapatkan 5 kunci dari monster yang ada di HO_1F
* Bicara dengan Warehouse Manager [WP]
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Jade Ring [Lvl:120], Dapat memasuki HO_2F

- Find the Evidence / Searching for the Evidence
Syarat: LV. 125
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Pergi ke HO 1F_Ch1 [7,17]
* Pergi ke HO 1F_Ch1 [13,17]
* Pergi ke HO 1F_Ch1 [11,14]
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Exp 49000, Fine Burr
Catatan: Pastikan bahwa kamu berada di Hangout 1F_Ch1 ketika melakukan quest ini. Ini berarti kamu HARUS berada di lantai pertama hangout, channel 1 (pintu masuk Hangout sebelah kiri). Lokasinya berada didekat area Ice Tyrant.

- Search the 2nd Floor / The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold (Quest Masuk HO_3F)
Syarat: LV. 125, Selesaikan quest "Search Green Base / The "Green" Secret Foothold"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Dapatkan 5 kunci dari Death Reaper, Tatooed Neckless / Violent Baldie, Violent Girl dan Ninja(M)
* Bicara dengan Warehouse Manager [WP]
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Silver Ring [Lvl:120][+3], Dapat memasuki HO_3F
Notes: Kamu tidak harus membunuh semua monster yg terdapat pada daftar. Pilihlah monster yang paling mudah dibunuh untuk mendapatkan kelima kunci.

- The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters
Syarat: LV. 125, Selesaikan quest "Repairing the Generator"
Didapat dari: Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Dapatkan Surveillance Video dari Bunny Girls, Ninja[F], Steel Heads di Hangout 3F
* Bicara pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
Reward: Exp 80000

- The Videotape Recovery
Syarat: LV. 125, Selesaikan quest "The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters"
Didapat dari: Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Bicara dengan Photoshop Technician / Image Expert [TH]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.3 [50,56]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.3 [49,58]
* Pergi ke kapal di Wharf Area No.3 [59,58]
* Bicara dengan Photoshop Technician / Image Expert [TH]
* Bicara dengan Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
Reward: Exp 65000, Skill Points 3

- The Lost Documents / Finding the Scriptural
Syarat: LV. 126, Selesaikan quest "See the Senior / Visit the Old Man"
Didapat dari: Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Dapatkan buku dari Fisherman
* Berikan buku pada Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
Reward: 13 Spiritual Orb / Spheres

- Through Tunnel #3 (Quest Masuk Prison)
Syarat: LV.130
Didapat dari: Corpse from Prison (didekat pintu masuk Tunnel 3 [TH])
* Masuk kedalam Tunnel #3, dan pergilah ke ujung [7,66]
Reward: Exp 12000, Dapat memasuki Prison

- Saintcorp's Private Prison / Sacred Financial Group Private Jail
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Lost and Found / File Report On Found Objects"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Pergi ke Prison [79,77]
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 Protection Potion, 1 Burr]

- Save Swat Team in Prison / Rescue Police Companion
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Saintcorp's Private Prison / Sacred Financial Group Private Jail"
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden [Prison]
* Bicara dengan SWAT Corpse
Reward: Exp 58000

- Unlock Security System (Quest Membuka "Trading Items" Di Police Prison)
Req: lvl 130, Selesaikan quest "Rescue Police Companion"
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden [Prison]
* Dapatkan kunci dari Burgler in Red / Red Thief, Burgler in Black /Black Thief atau Machine Grabber / Machinary Thief
* Dapatkan CD dari Burgler in Red / Red Thief, Burgler in Black /Black Thief atau Machine Grabber / Machinary Thief
* Bicara dengan Prison Police / Jail Warden [Prison]
Reward: Soul Rosary [Lvl:120]
Catatan: Menu "Trading Items" di Prison Police / Jail Warden akan terbuka setelah menyelesaikan quest ini.

- Police's Request / Request of the Police
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Save Swat Team in Prison / Rescue Police Companion"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Spirit of Prison / Soul (Prison)
Reward: Exp 30000, Accessory Lotto Box, Consumable Lotto Box

- Report the Riot / Report Status of Jail
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Police's Request / Request of the Police"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 30000, C lvl Steel Coat & Skirt / Pants

- Turn in the Violent Wokmen / Report Violent Criminals
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Save Swat Team in Prison / Rescue Police Companion"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bunuh 12 Worker with Temper / Angry Supervisors
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 30000

- Look into Prison / Investigate the Jail
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Report the Riot / Report Status of Jail"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bicara dengan Prison Police / Jail Warden
* Pergi ke Central Tower [58,82]
* Pergi ke [61,106]
* Bicara dengan Prison Police / Jail Warden
Reward: Exp 48000, Red Bead [2]

- Prepare the Final Report
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Investigate the Jail"
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden [Prison]
* Pergi ke Central Tower A didekat menara
* Pergi ke Central Tower B didekat menara [46,96]
* Pergi ke Central Tower C didekat menara [70,98]
* Pergi ke Central Tower D didekat menara [70,71]
* Bicara dengan Prison Police / Jail Warden
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 24000

- Retrieve List of Names / Obtain List of Prisoners
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Turn in the Violent Wokmen / Report Violent Criminals"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Kumpulkan 7 Info Scraps dari Law Breaker / Prisoner-Hammerman, Justice Smasher / Prisoner-Rockman & Crime Non-stopper / Prisoner Ringgy
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 18000

- Turn in the Fugitives / Report on Prison Escapees
Syarat: LV. 130, Selesaikan quest "Retrieve List of Names / Obtain List of Prisoners"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bunuh 12 Law Breaker / Prisoner-Hammerman
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 54000, Attribute 2
Catatan: Quest "Weapon Shop Owner" untuk level 140 otomatis dimulai setelah menyelesaikan quest ini.

- Search the 3rd Floor / The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold
Syarat: LV. 132, Selesaikan quest "Search the 2nd Floor / The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Kumpulkan 7 Pieces of Letter Fragments dari Ninja(M), SteelHead, Saint Gambler
dan Bunny Girl
* Bicara dengan Police [WP]
Reward: Gold 40000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:120][+4]

- Submit the Evidences / Returning the Evidence
Syarat: LV. 132, Selesaikan quest "Search the 3rd Floor / The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
Didapat dari: Police [WP]
* Berikan surat pada Police [TH]
* Bicara dengan Angelina / AngBeeLan [129,139] [TH]
Reward: Exp 80000

- The First Test
Syarat: LV. 132, Selesaikan quest "Submit the Evidences / Returning the Evidence"
Didapat dari: Angelina / AngBeeLan [TH]
* Dapatkan Saliva dari 3 jenis anjing (Rabies / Cordy, Rabies Mutated / Freezing Halogen, Werewolf) dan Shadow Crow's Feather dari Shadow Crow [SG] / [Leonine]
* Lapor kepada Angelina / AngBeeLan dalam waktu maksimal 30 menit
Reward: Skill Points 2, 1 stat point
Catatan: Jika karaktermu mati atau waktu habis secara otomatis quest ini gagal, kamu harus mengambilnya lagi dan memulainya dari awal.

- The Second Test
Syarat: LV. 132, Selesaikan quest "The First Test" dari Angelina / AngBeeLan
Didapat dari: Angelina / AngBeeLan [TH]
* Dapatkan 10 Pills dari Blue Boozo / Freezing Clown
* Lapor kepada Angelina / AngBeeLan dalam waktu maksimal 15 menit
Reward: Exp 50000, Skill Points 2
Catatan: Jika karaktermu mati atau waktu habis secara otomatis quest ini gagal, kamu harus mengambilnya lagi dan memulainya dari awal.

- The Final Test
Syarat: LV. 132, Selesaikan quest "The Second Test" dari Angelina / AngBeeLan
Didapat dari: Angelina / AngBeeLan [TH]
* Bunuh 15 Sir Neckless / Hunk Baldies
* Lapor kepada Angelina / AngBeeLan dalam waktu maksimal 10 menit
Reward: Exp 90000, Dimensional / Spatial Rosary [Lvl:120][+7]
Catatan: Jika karaktermu mati atau waktu habis secara otomatis quest ini gagal, kamu harus mengambilnya lagi dan memulainya dari awal.

- Reward for Prison Escapees
Syarat: LV. 140 [dibutuhkan untuk memasuki Middle Hole]
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bunuh Hardcore Punk Rock di Middle Hole
Reward: Exp 19000, Attribute 2
Catatan: Quest ini didapat dari level 67, namun karena persyaratan level Middle Hole dibutuhkan level 140 untuk menyelesaikannya.

- Talk to Weapon Shop Owner
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Turn in the Fugitives / Report on Prison Escapees"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bicara dengan Weapon Shop Owner di Middle Hole
Reward: Exp 12000

- Retrieve the Weapons / Retrieve Scammed Weapons
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Talk to Weapon Shop Owner"
Didapat dari: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
* Dapatkan 10 senjata [M16] dari Machine Grabber / Machinary Thief
Reward: Exp 58000, Gold 40000

- Find the Key of Handbag / Look for the Backpack Key
Syarat: Dapat memasuki MH
Didapat dari: Nurse [MH]
* Dapatkan kunci dari Frigid Wold / Cold Wolf
* Berikan kunci pada Nurse [MH]
Reward: Space Ring [Lvl:120][+6]

- Find Owner's Friend / Look for Friends
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Retrieve the Weapons / Retrieve Scammed Weapons"
Didapat dari: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
* Pergi ke [100,25]
* Pergi ke [97,20]
* Pergi ke [85,20]
* Pergi ke [84,26]
* Bicara dengan Weapon Shop Owner
Reward: C lvl Steel Gloves [+5]

- Look into the Case / Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Find Owner's Friend / Look for Friends"
Didapat dari: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
* Pergi ke [91,29]
* Pergi ke [93,31]
* Bicara dengan Police [TH] dan laporkan situasi Middle Hole
Reward: Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+4]

- Retrieve the Confidential Files / Collect Back Confidential Documents
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Look into the Case / Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Dapatkan Comments dari Worker with Temper / Angry Supervisors
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Azrael Rosary [Lvl:120][+4]

- Confirm Midtown's Safety / Confirm Security of Middle Hole
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Retrieve the Confidential Files / Collect Back Confidential Documents"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Pergi ke [92,30] di Middle Hole
* Pergi ke [92,40] di Middle Hole
* Pergi ke [91,62] di Middle Hole
* Lapor ke Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 58000, Red Bead [5], Consumabile Lotto Box / Grinds Box

- Look into Accident / Investigate on the Case
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Confirm Midtown's Safety / Confirm Security of Middle Hole"
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Dapatkan 6 Spare Parts dari Fire Blaze / Blazing Fire di Middle Hole
* Bicara dengan TH Police
Reward: Exp 58000, Combo Upgrade Set / Synthesizer Upgrade Set
Catatan: Lokasi beberapa Fire Blaze / Blazing Fire dimobil [92,30]; [89,35]; [95,38]; [93,42].

- Fix Walkie Talkie / Repair Walkie Talkies
Syarat: LV. 140
Didapat dari: Police [TH]
* Bicara dengan Photoshop Technician / Image Expert dan mintalah dia untuk memperbaiki Walkie Talkie
* Pergi ke Trading Hole [98,159] untuk mendapatkan Spare Parts yang dibutuhkan
* Bicara dengan Photoshop Technician / Image Expert dan mintalah dia untuk memperbaiki Walkie Talkie kembali
Reward: Exp 70000

- The Signal / Fixed Walkie Talkies
Syarat: LV. 140, Selesaikan quest "Fix Walkie Talkie / Repair Walkie Talkies"
Didapat dari: Image Expert [TH]
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 6000

- Reward for Prison Escapees
Syarat: LV. 144
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Machine Grabber / Machinary Thief
Reward: Exp 16000, Attribute 2

- Search the Missing Beads / Collecting the Items
Syarat: LV. 144
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden
* Kumpulkan Orb / Soul Spiritual Sphere dari Worker with Temper / Angry Supervisors
* Kumpulkan Green Orb / Bead dari Burgler in Black /Black Thief
* Kumpulkan Green Crystal dari Machine Grabber / Machinary Thief
* Berikan barang-barang pada Prison Police / Jail Warden
Reward: Exp 90000, Skill Point 5, 14 Spiritual Orb / Spheres

- Find the Missing / Look for the Missing Persons
Syarat: LV. 147
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Pergi ke Middle Hole [103,102]
* Pergi ke Middle Hole [99,108]
* Pergi ke Middle Hole [102,108]
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 100000, Attribute 2

- Look for Suspect
Syarat: LV. 147
Didapat dari: Dead Police A [Prison 51,105]
* Cari bukti di [56,107]
* Cari bukti lagi di [50,99]
* Cari bukti lebih banyak di [46,102]
* Tanyakan kepada Prison Police / Jail Warden dan temukan tersangka [pilih opsi chat "Tell location and ask for comments"]
* Bunuh Warden / Prison Supervisor
Reward: Exp 34000, Stat Point 1

- Mysterious Letter / Identify the Letter Pad
Syarat: LV. 148
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden
* Kumpulkan 6 Shredded Pieces of a Letter dari Law Breaker / Prisoner Hammerman dan Justice Smasher / Prisoner Rockman
* Show the 6 Pieces to the Jail Warden
* Pass the Letter to the Trading Hole Police Station
Reward: Exp 96000, Skill Points 2

- Track down the Criminal
Syarat: ?
Didapat dari: Prison Police / Jail Warden
* Bunuh 20 Crime Non-stopper / Prisoner Ringgy
* Bunuh 20 Law Breaker / Prisoner-Hammerman
* Lapor kepada Prison Police / Jail Warden
Reward: Exp 990300

- The Robber
Syarat: LV. 156
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Hip-hop Girl
Reward: Exp 115000, Attribute 2

- Search the Missing Beads II / Collect a Bead II
Syarat: LV. 157
Didapat dari: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
* Kumpulkan Soul Spiritual Sphere dari Worker with Temper / Angry Supervisors
* Kumpulkan Green Crystal dari Pick Handler / Cross Fatty
* Bicara dengan Weapon Shop Owner
Reward: 15 Spiritual Orb / Spheres

- Get Back Fake Certificate
Syarat: LV. 158
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Kumpulkan 10 Fake Certificates dari Double Blade Assassin dan Double Barrel Assassin
Reward: Exp 105000, Attribute 2

- Retrieve Academy Coupons
Syarat: LV. 160
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Kumpulkan 10 Academy Coupons dari Double Blade Assassin dan Double Barrel Assassin
Reward: Exp 110000, Attribute 2

- The Robber 2
Syarat: LV. 161
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Hip-hop Wannabe
Reward: Exp 22000, Attribute 2

- Status Report / Deliver the News
Syarat: LV. 162
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Look for the Student Director
Reward: Exp 16000

- Sending Info to Police Station / Deliver Important Message
Syarat: LV. 162, Selesaikan quest "Status Report / Deliver the News"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Police [TH]
Reward: Exp 10000, Dapat memasuki Root Hole [RH]

- Check out Downtown / Enter Root Hole
Syarat: LV. 162, Selesaikan quest "Sending Info to Police Station / Deliver Important Message"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Police [RH]
Reward: Exp 10000

- Search Downtown / Access Root Hole
Syarat: LV. 162, Selesaikan quest "Enter Root Hole"
Didapat dari: Police [RH]
* Pergi ke [84,2]
* Pergi ke [93,3]
* Pergi ke [92,54]
* Bicara dengan Police [RH]
Reward: Exp 82000, Soul Ring [LV.:120][+6]

- Retrieve Fake coupons / Collect Back Counterfeit Money
Syarat: LV. 163
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Kumpulkan 10 Academy Coupon dari Living Puppet
Reward: Exp 46000, Attribute 3

- Advance Physics Teacher's Test (Examination Test)
Syarat: LV. 165
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Physics Instructor [Campus Hole]
* Bunuh Ice Tyrant [HO_1F]
* Dapatkan Verification Report Didapat dari the Physics Instructor [Campus]
Reward: Exp 30000, Stat Point 2

- The Robber 3
Syarat: LV. 167
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Blight Mage
Reward: Exp 200000, Attribute 3

- The Robber 4
Syarat: LV. 169
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Light Mage
Reward: Exp 240000, Attribute 3

- The Robber 5
Syarat: LV. 170
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Hadou-Ken
Reward: Exp 267000, Attribute 3

- The Robber 6
Syarat: LV. 171
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 1 Hardcore Punk Rock
Reward: Exp 83000, Attribute 3

- Mysterious Sacred Financial Group
Syarat: LV .172
Didapat dari: Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
* Bicara dengan Special Agent [SG]
Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 20000

- Community Service of Saint Financial Group
Syarat: LV .173
Syarat: Selesaikan quest "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group"
Didapat dari: Special Agent [SG]
* Temui Construction Supervisor di Sacred Gate [SG Hole]
* Dapatkan 10 Golf Clubs(Rods) dari Sporty Hottie / Golf Bomber [TH]
* Bicara dengan Special Agent [SG]
Reward: Exp 60000, Emergency Locker Link Card [3]

- Behind the Truth of Saint Financial Group
Syarat: LV .174
Syarat: Selesaikan quest "Community Service of Saint Financial Group"
Didapat dari: Special Agent [SG]
* Bicara dengan Physics Teacher [SG Ring]
* Bicara dengan Nurse [SG Ring]
* Bicara dengan Spirit of Leonine / Banshee didekat pintu masuk Leonine 1F
* Bicara dengan Student Director Leonine Campus
* Bicara dengan Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
Reward: Exp 90000, Attribute 5, Grinds Box

- Mysterious Melody
Syarat: LV .175
Syarat: Selesaikan quest "Behind the Truth of Saint Financial Group"
Didapat dari: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
* Bicara dengan Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
* Bicara dengan Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Dapatkan kode dari Bunny Ears / Bunny Girl atau Mad Girl / Violent Girl
* Bicara dengan Wandering Old Man / Suspicious Folk [WP]
* Bicara dengan Photoshop Technician / Image Expert [TH]
* Bicara dengan Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30]

- Get Weather Info
Syarat: LV. 177
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Pergi ke koordinat 100,111 [RH]
* Pergi ke koordinat 100,131 [RH]
* Pergi ke koordinat 69,127 [RH]
* Bicara dengan Police [RH]
Reward: Vanish Ring [LV.:120][+4] HP:+25 poison resistance:[+5]

- Verify Sacred Financial Group HQ Building
Syarat: LV. 177
Didapat dari: Selesaikan quest "Get Weather Info"
* Pergi ke koordinat 85,147
Reward: Exp 29000

- Talk to MP / SG / PHX Student Director
Syarat: LV. 180
Didapat dari: Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
* Bicara dengan Student Director kampusmu
Reward: Exp 140000

- Go Find Angelina / Verify Ang Bee Lan
Syarat: LV .180
Syarat: Selesaikan quest "Talk to MP / SG / PHX Student Director"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Angelina / AngBeeLan [TH]
* Bunuh 1 Death Reaper (Boss monster HO_2F)
* Bicara dengan Angelina / AngBeeLan [TH]
Reward: Exp 450000

- Confirm With the Old Man
Syarat: LV .180
Syarat: finished "Verify Ang Bee Lan"
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bicara dengan Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
Reward: Exp 350000

- Midterm: Ability Assessment I
Syarat: LV. 191
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 80 Light Mage / Light Demon Inducers
Reward: Exp 640000, Stat Point 6

- Make Specialty Ring
Syarat: LV. 193
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Kumpulkan 10 Broken Bottle dari Concrete Man / Cement Weirdo [RH]
* Kumpulkan 10 Red Orb dari Light Mage / Light Demon Inducer [RH]
* Kumpulkan 10 Dagger with Blood dari Fire Mage / Fire Demon Inducer [RH]
* Berikan barang-barang pada Mr.Agewise / Old Man
Reward: Exp 640000, Janaohu Ganil (Ring) [Attack:5~5 | Def:5 | Acc:5 | Eva: 2 | All Resist:5 | Pow Vit Int Dex:+5 | Untuk Lvl: 193]

- Midterm: Ability Assessment II
Syarat: LV. 195
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 80 Fire Mage / Fire Demon Inducer [RH]
Reward: Exp 470000, Stat Point 9

- Midterm: Ability Assessment III
Syarat: LV. 199
Didapat dari: Autoquest
* Bunuh 80 Ice Mage / Ice Demon Inducers
Reward: Exp 640000, Stat Point 12

- How to use Specialty Ring
Syarat: Selesaikan quest "Make Specialty Ring"
Didapat dari: Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
* Bunuh 30 Feng-Shui Apprentice
Reward: Exp 134756765

- How to use Specialty Ring
Syarat: LV. 200, Selesaikan quest "Make Specialty Ring"
Didapat dari: Mr.Agewise / Old Man [RH]
* Bunuh 30 Hadou-Ken
Reward: Exp 134756765

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